ETSE - GOALS - ACES - Andalucia

ACES Sevilla 608-926-066 ACES Málaga 952-02-87-12

Latest News

January, 30 2023

This week our team has developed the Erasmus+ meeting of the ETSE-GOALS Project around the implementation of actions to promote social entrepreneurship and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) in the Vocational Training stage.

Partners such as the Andalusian School of Social Economy, Pistes Solidaires (France), VEDA (Bulgaria) and Join4Cs (Greece) and ACES-Andalusia coordinator of the Erasmus project participate in our project.

Together, in the next two years we will create impact tools for VT teachers and the educational community where Service-Learning (#ApS) will play a leading role.

Maximum illusion!

Collaborates Consejería de Empleo, Empresa y Trabajo Autónomo , Dirección General de Economía Social