ETSE - GOALS - ACES - Andalucia

ACES Sevilla 608-926-066 ACES Málaga 952-02-87-12


The purpose of the ETSE-Goals Project is to promote an innovative approach for the full incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals in business teachings in Social Economy that are offered at VET level, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the social entrepreneurial ecosystem and its transformative power at European level


Latest News

September 28, 2023

Today we had a meeting with the ETSE GOALS team to present them the Quality Plan and show them our new website...

June 28, 2023

Meeting with Susana Romero, General Secretary of Social Economy of the Junta de Andalucía, in which we were able to share all...

June 15, 2023

From ACES we wanted to carry out a pilot contest of educational projects with an impact linked to the use of the SDGs in ...

June 7, 2023
New work meeting of the #Erasmus+ ETSEgoals Project. This time we are in Varna, Bulgaria, where we are outlining the course...

April 27, 2023
The Erasmus+ ETSE-Goals project team met this Thursday the 27th through a virtual meeting to continue advancing the objectives of the project that seek to promote Vocational Training...

March 10, 2023
This week we have had a virtual follow-up meeting of our Erasmus+ project as coordinators in which we are going to develop...

February 15, 2023
Our project is in the first phase of the study of the current situation of the use of educational tools in professional training...

January 15, 2023
This week our team has developed the Erasmus+ meeting of the ETSE-GOALS Project around the implementation of actions to promote...


    State of Art Report

    Identification of successful initiatives, projects or strategies that arise from different countries, developed at a European or even international level, on the successful incorporation of the SDGs in the entrepreneurial teachings offered at VET level, fundamentally to the Social Economy

    Teacher training

    Develop a set of contents and pedagogical materials for the training of VET teachers who teach social economy subjects. The content of the training is absolutely innovative, as the training will prepare professionals to use the SDGs and sustainable development tools in their daily activities.


    Analyze the political strategies of the European educational authorities and stakeholders towards the implementation of the SDGs at VET level, especially in matters of social economy in each territory; and propose improvement policies based on increasing teacher training, to allow them to include the SDGs with a multidisciplinary approach, directly impacting students, professionally and personally.

Coordination and Management

Partner Companies

Work Plan

The monitoring and quality assurance mechanisms will be under the direct control of ACES as coordinator, supported by the Fundación Escuela Andaluza de Economía Social (FEAES) and Pistes Solidaires (PISTES), which will be a valuable asset for ACES in the management of these processes for their experience in European projects and Social Economy initiatives.